3-Seat Patio Swing Chair


10 in stock

SKU 14:200004891#Brown;200007763:201336106_cudc967ia6e00097q9rg Category
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Origin: US(Origin)

Installation Method: Assembly

General Use: Outdoor Furniture

Product Dimensions: 47.25"D x 74.75"W x 70"H


  • Seats Three Adults: With a 660 lbs. weight capacity and 59.5″ seat length, our porch swing offers outdoor seating for all sorts of occasions, whether it’s campfires, cookouts, or a cozy Saturday. With room for three people, step out into the sunlight and enjoy the fresh air together.
  • Tilting Sunshade Canopy: This outdoor swing chair’s 140° adjustable canopy top can keep you cool and shade the summer sun. Have a clean seat free from dust, leaves, droppings, and debris. Tilt the angle of the roof to get rid of glare from anywhere. This is the canopy that can.
  • A Comfortable Adult Swing: Features a padded seat cushion and 3 throw pillows to help you enjoy the outdoors a little more.
  • Outdoor Ready Materials: Made with a strong powder-coated steel frame built into an A-shape to reinforce it with form and substance. Non-slip footpads are included for a safer time on your outdoor swing seat.
  • Porch Swing with Canopy Info: Overall Dimensions: 74.75″ L x 47.25″ W x 70″ H. Weight Capacity: 660 lbs. Assembly Required.

<span class="hover-point" data-inline-content="

Robust metal frame

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<span class="hover-point" data-inline-content="

Non-slip feet pads

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<span class="hover-point" data-inline-content="

Strong spring

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Stable A-frame shape

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United States




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